Turtle Medicine

Posted by on Mar 24, 2014 in blog | Comments Off on Turtle Medicine

Turtle Medicine

I found this little turtle in our driveway Sunday morn before my walk. I moved him near the stream. Turtle medicine reminds us to slow down and pay attention.

In my Steven Farmer booklet, Turtle reads, “Retreat”. “Stop trying to make something happen. You could stand to spend some time by yourself in nature. Although we call it a retreat, it’s really more a movement towards peace and harmony. The ocean’s been there a long, long time. Everyday there’s a sunset, no matter what else has happened.”

Today on my walk, a hawk was singing above me. I almost didn’t notice her…she continued to squeal. Okay, I get it 😉 ! Slow down, pay attention. I am grateful!

Today, give yourself huge PERMISSION to stop – for a few moments – and really enjoy your journey. I promise I will too ;)!

Off to retreat,
Elizabeth Trinkaus